Wednesday, July 20, 2011

90 Days w/Jesus...Day 53

(action points Luke 10:17-24)

Stop & Consider
"In that same hour He rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, 'I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth." (v. 21)

1. Hw much fun is it to see Jesus enthusiastically worshiping with His disciples? How does that square with your view of Him and HIs public demeanor?

Well, it squares perfectly. Jesus knew His status/standing as above all else, but He showed us how to be humble and submit to God through His example of praise and worship. So of course when you hear Jesus rejoicing that things have happened in the power of the Holy Spirit, it shouldn't come as a shock of any sort.

If you think of Jesus, walking around, doing miracles, kicking the enemy's backside, and bringing the Good News of God to all those who could hear, Jesus was both messenger and savior. He just went about His business, doing what He knew needed to be done.

I just watched a movie last night, and there's this quote I remember from it.

"I wasn't high. I wasn't wired. Just clear. I knew what I needed to do and how to do it."

Jesus wasn't a cook. He wasn't some crazy philosopher, spouting nonsense. He IS the Son of God. He knew what He needed to do, and how He needed to do it. And since scripture teaches us, in all things have thanksgiving to the Lord and rejoice, it would have been wrong for Him to have not been happy and enthused at knowing what was needed to be done was getting done.

2. How much a part of your life is worship and spiritual celebrations?

Hmm, well. Almost every day I'd say, I'm praising God for something wonderful He's blessed my life with, through my relationship with Christ. Just yesterday I was praising a friend whom God blessed into the union of marriage. I was blessing and rejoicing another friend whose marriage I will be attending. And I was praising God for the job I'd just been blessed with.

I sometimes sing in the car the praises of the Lord. A song will come on the radio, and I'll take the beat and change out the words to celebrating and rejoicing for God is good and deserving of all praise.

I don't necessarily know how much of my life is worship. I'm not even sure what that word truly means. Yes, there's the definition. But is worship an act? Is it a way of life? Is it both?

Is my worship of God through living in Him and striving to do right by Him, and bringing Him every one of my concerns, thoughts, weaknesses, etc? If that's the case, I could worship better, because there are still times or some things we, as humans, have a hard time letting go of. Yet that doesn't mean I'm not striving for that.

My worship to God consists of moving towards Him every day. Looking to live as He would want me, with His will as my will. I understand I make mistakes. And I understand I can't stop myself from making them. What I can do, though, is make sure that when they happen, I'm giving them over to God, for they're not something I have the power to fix. It is His power that fixes. I've been entrusted with the power of God, but I know that I only go so far, and that sometimes, we don't want to fix those things, yet if we do that, we do a disservice to Him by holding on to that which we know we can't fix, and aren't yet willing to give up.

Focus on coming closer to God, and God will focus on coming closer to you by revealing more of His truth to you through His Son.


We all have things that get us excited. But are they the same things that get Jesus excited? What kind of kingdom celebrations should really jazz our spirits?

For me, I know that I think the most exciting thing I get to celebrate in God's kingdom is seeing Christ save someone. Seeing them recognize in those moments that Christ is calling to them, and that they know in their hearts it is where they should be. There is more beauty in a single person being saved than all the nebulas in the universe.

I rejoice when I know two people have been brought together through God, to be a holy union of His way here on Earth. There's been a lot of that going around as of late amongst my friends, and it fills my heart with warmth to no measurable end, knowing that not only has Christ brought them together, but that they recognize it is through Christ whom which their love for one another lies.

I rejoice when I hear acts of healing or of goodwill towards those who are less fortunate.I rejoice when a friend has a moment of clarity when a Word from God, be it scripture or a message delivered to them through some other means, when that Word clicks in them and they "get it", so to speak. There's nothing like realizing you not only understand the message, but you HEAR it. Let those with eyes see, let those with ears hear.

Praise Jesus indeed. Amen

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